What Is Chiropractic

What_Is_Chiro.jpg Chiropractic is a branch of complimentary health care that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of misaligned vertebra and joints. These misalignments can cause pain, numbness, and weakness.

Sometimes when the spine misaligns, especially if it is the result of improper lifting or after a fall, the effects are immediately apparent, you have a sharp or stabbing pain and you know something is wrong. However, at other times, misalignments can occur silently, just by performing day to day activities or repetitive  movements. The little aches and pains that seem to go away can be your body signaling to you that a misalignment has occured. Other subtle clues may be a sense of "tightness" that restricts your movements or headaches that become more frequent or intense. Many people don't realize a vertebra has misaligned until they bend over to tie their shoe one day and cannot straighten back up, or while driving, they turn their head to look over their shoulder to check traffic and it painfully locks in place.

You may have heard these conditions referred to as a "pinched nerve" by those in the medical community. Essentially what has occurred, is a verteba has moved out of its proper position and is now putting pressure on the joints and nerves, causing pain. If left uncorrected, your pain is likely to increase, and your condition could escalate to include numbness, weakness, and joint degeneration.

Chiropractic locates and corrects these misalignments. By performing adjustments, Dr. Williams returns the vertebra to their proper position, thereby restoring normal movement and function to the joints and muscles.

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2:30 pm-7:00 pm


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2:30 pm-7:00 pm




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