SIBO, (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) and SIFO (Small Intestine Fungal Overgrowth) are defined as abnormal increases in the overall bacterial or fungal population in the small intestine. Bacteria/fungus normally found in the large intestine has overgrown into the small intestine. Symptoms can include but may not be limited to: gas, bloating, pain/cramping, diarrhea, constipation (although less common than diarrhea type), food intolerances, fatigue, brain fog, and skin rashes.

Common causes of SIBO and SIFO are varied but can include:

1. Diets that are high in carbohydrates, sugar, and/or alcohol as these can feed the bad bacteria and cause symptoms after consumption.

2. A case of food poisoning, taking antibiotics, (which are sometimes necessary to kill off  bad bacteria, but the downside is they also kill off the good bacteria).

3. Taking acid-blocking drugs such as PPI’s (proton pump inhibitors).

4. Taking steroids which can disrupt the proper balance of the microbiome.

5. Hypothyroidism or a slow metabolism which causes undigested food to remain too long in the small intestine resulting in a buildup of bacteria. 

6. A poorly functioning ileocecal valve which can predispose some patients to bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine.

7. Chronic stress. Unresolved stress has a major effect on the adrenals and can over time lower beneficial stomach acid which hinders digestion and allows unwanted bacterial overgrowths to occur.   

   Functional Medicine approaches SIBO/SIFO with very specific testing to identify the level and types of overgrowth causing the symptoms, but it doesn’t stop there because it is also necessary to uncover WHY this imbalance has occurred . It may be there is not sufficient stomach acid or there is a bile dysfunction, or possibly an undiscovered bacterial or viral infection or even an unknown toxicity or food allergen that is affecting the body’s ability to maintain a well balanced microbiome in the gut. Based upon each patient’s test results Dr. Williams will develop an individualized plan to eradicate the overgrowth and recommendations as to dietary changes and specific neutraceuticals and prebiotics/probiotics to reestablish and maintain the proper bacterial balance.

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